Quidlibet Research Services Inc.

QUIDLIBET RESEARCH, INC. experience. creativity. results.Since 1990, Quidlibet Research Services Inc. has been providing strategic consulting services, growth strategies, new product and service design, resource assessment and management, contract negotiation, cost management, and turn-around services.

Rethinking the Nature of the Law Firm

Quidlibet was founded on the belief that lawyers are quintessential information managers.  Whether they work in transactions with little need for research or with constantly shifting law the need for citation and authority is essential and the need for documentation is ongoing.

Quidlibet helps law firms focus on the better use of information.  We have helped firms understand legal research and improve research skills and access to resources.  We better structure activities surrounding legal research operations to benefit client needs. This means eliminating busy work that doesn’t serve client value.  We help the firm make more efficient use of electronic systems, create databases from compiled research results, and scale services to the firm’s needs. We then develop strategies for maximizing the gains that result from these efforts.

The process begins with an Audit of the firm’s resources and online contracts.  We review these from the library, IT, marketing, docketing, and end-user perspectives.  We include library holdings, research facilities, online services, and operations.  Following the Audit, we provide a detailed Report and Recommendations with both short- and long-term strategies for achieving results to foster growth, reduce costs, achieve productivity improvements, and better communicate with clients.

Facilitating our recommendations with executive buy-in will benefit the bottom line and shrink the distance between the lawyer, client, and solution.  Information is the key to problem-solving, which is the business of legal practice.

Quidlibet covers the cost of the Management Audit and implementation of its Recommendations through the fees earned by reducing the cost of online research contracts.  Getting control of research costs and potentially reducing the space and activity related to books returns about 30% of those costs to the firm.

Our consultations are confidential, free and without risk.